BC Prosecution Service Witness Information

What to expect if you are called to appear in court as a witness for the prosecution.

BC Witness Information - English with CC [12 min]

BC Witness Information - American Sign Language [18 min]

BC Witness Information - Arabic [17 min]

BC Witness Information - Cantonese [13 min]

BC Witness Information - Farsi [18 min]

BC Witness Information - French with CC [17 min]

BC Witness Information - Hindi [18 min]

BC Witness Information - Japanese [15 min]

BC Witness Information - Korean [14 min]

BC Witness Information - Mandarin [12 min]

BC Witness Information - Punjabi [15 min]

BC Witness Information - Spanish [16 min]

BC Witness Information - Tagalog [17 min]

BC Witness Information - Urdu [17 min]

BC Witness Information - Vietnamese [16 min]

If you have not already received a referral and are interested in receiving some assistance, please contact VictimLinkBC.

For more information about the accommodations for witnesses discussed in the video, please access testimonial accommodations.

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