How Do I Get Family Investment Program (FIP) benefits?

The Family Investment Program (FIP) provides cash assistance to income-eligible families, with children, as they become self-supporting.

You can apply for FIP benefits in two ways; online and by paper application.

Apply for FIP Benefits

You can apply for FIP benefits online. You will find information about your interview and the kind of documents you need to provide once you start the application process.


Print the FIP application. See Page 1 of the application for more information about how to submit your application.

You can turn in your application by mail or email or fax or drop it off at any local DHS office.

Address to mail an application:

Cedar Rapids Service Area Imaging Center 4
PO Box 2027
Cedar Rapids IA 52406-2027

Address to email an application:

Fax number: 515-564-4017