Designed to help students grasp the complexity of child development, DEVELOPMENTAL PROFILES: PRE-BIRTH THROUGH TWELVE, Sixth Edition, highlights major characteristics for each of the developmental domains in a concise, non-technical, point-by-point format. Developmental profiles and case studies have been expanded to include middle childhood and sections featuring children’s daily routines. Patterns have been incorporated to help students, parents, and teachers comprehend the interrelated nature of development and translate emerging skills into everyday behavior. Updated content reflects current information about prenatal care and brain research. Information on safety allows students to recognize important safety considerations at each developmental stage and gives suggestions for appropriate adult supervision. Every chapter includes objectives, key terms, updated and more in-depth case studies, and each section offers tips on promoting children’s curiosity and learning.
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K. Eileen Allen, professor emerita, was a member of the early childhood faculty at the University of Washington in Seattle and at the University of Kansas in Lawrence. For 31 years, she taught a variety of courses: child development, developmental disabilities in young children, parenting, early education, and an interdisciplinary approach to early intervention and inclusion. She also trained teachers and supervised research-focused classrooms at both schools and has published seven college textbooks, as well as numerous research articles and position papers in major professional journals. During her retirement, she continues to write, jury research articles, consult in both the private and public sector, and actively advocate on behalf of children and families.
Название | Developmental Profiles: Pre-birth Through Twelve |
Авторы | K. Allen , Lynn Marotz |
Издание: | 6, иллюстрированное |
Издатель | Cengage Learning, 2009 |
ISBN | 143541294X, 9781435412941 |
Количество страниц | Всего страниц: 336 |
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Экспорт цитаты | BiBTeX EndNote RefMan |