Forest Practices Permits

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Forest practices permits are regulated through the Washington State Forest Practices Act in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW 76.09) and in Clark County Code 40.260.080, Forest Practices.

The purpose of these codes is to identify potential effects of logging on critical areas, such as wetlands, steep slopes, stream buffers, archaeological sites and areas with known endangered or threatened species and habitat.

Please take some time to review this material so you understand if you will need to receive a forest practices permit before cutting trees.

NOTE: Since July 30, 2007, any Forest Practice Application (FPA) approved through the state Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in Clark County there will be a development moratorium placed upon the parcel for six (6) years. “Development moratorium” means Clark County shall deny any and all applications for permits or approvals for a period of time established in Chapter 76.09 RCW. This shall include but not be limited to building permits, septic system permits, right-of-way permits, subdivision approvals, testamentary land divisions or change of zoning relating to the legal description described on the forest practice permit. The moratorium does not apply to expansions, alterations, or maintenance of existing structures or their accessory structures, nor does the moratorium apply to boundary line adjustments.

Applying for a Forest Practices Permit

Check your property for Environmental Constraints using Clark County’s Maps Online. You can use Maps Online to make a Logging Site Plan Map for your forest practices application. Be sure your map includes the Water Types and Critical Areas layers.

Apply Online

You can now apply online. Use this button to take you to the Permit Center homepage: